mardi 22 janvier 2019

Dame Ned 2019

So here we are... 2019.

As Le com said in his previous post I talked about doing a bit of a yearly objective setting and talk about it.

First of all, what about 2018? Going back through this blog I found out that I painted 75 minis in a year (I know 2 mirages F1 were not taken in picture and posted but I swear I did them right after the first 4. ok this won't happen anymore).

Painting Policy:

So first objective of all in 2019, paint at least 75 models. And as a Guideline try to paint as many models that I buy (in the vain effort to reduce my big pile of shame, aka stock). And on that front thank you Le Com' you already kick started the year with 10 necromunda models to paint :P lovely gift still.

Gaming Policy:

Another objective. One game every, single, month. At least one game a month. And if I do two in a month no it does not mean that next month I don't have any to do. January will be easy as I am writting this little article on my way to Warlord Games Blood Red Sky and Cruel Seas boot Camp. Where I'll only play blood red sky (3 games seems to be planned through the day).

I started to write this article in the aeroplane towards Birmingham and I estimated that I was to buy 18 more aircraft at the local Warlord Games store. In the end only 6 of the planned planes were acquired.... for a total of 17 planes bought (pictures coming soon in my article on Blood Red Skies Bootcamp). And 2 of those were gifted... and 3 of those were limited edition they found in the warehouse (yay for useless Paul Defiants!)

Damn I already start the year with a baseline of 27 models to paint! and I have not finished a single one yet! Don't worry, the first 6 are coming soon as I started 6 Me 109 in order to bring my Staffeln to full strenght.

Real Objectives:

- Foldable Gaming table for the flat! I will need to work on those with Torisun I am affraid
- Receive and get that Terrain cupboard organized! (wohoo just got an SMS today saying it has arrived!)
- Space Wolves 1500 pts painted and ready to go. 12 models
- Imperial Guard 1000 pts painted and ready to go. 7 models
- Necromunda, paint my old style Orlocks, paint my new style Goliath. 20 ish models
- Orks 2000 pts painted and ready to go. 68 or so models (yes boys and grots are cheap pointwise)
- Blood red Sky Full spitfire Squadron, Full Me 109 Staffeln, Full Hurricane Squadron. Half Squadron of Me 110 , Half Squadron of JU 88 (to start I want to test drive a scenario that grew in my head a few weeks ago) 36 models
- Fallout Waistland Warfar. Paint the base box plus rad scorpions, ghouls, Rad Roaches. Priority to the last 3 (yes I can't justify to start painting Super mutants as my survivor will be real low level to start) 30 ish models

- Flames of War. Late war comes out in June. Update of my 4 base tank armies. Scope has not been set yet it will be set once the book is out and I know the point cost and so on. Admitedly I am going to gage the point level of a full US Tank Company, a full Sovient T34 Battallion and a full British M4 Squadron. The germans will get their update too but wil depend of the others. God knows how many models... but let's say at least 20 models
- Team Yankee. Base US army first. then Soviet upgrade. no clue yet
- Adeptus Titanicus. Paint all I got at the moment (2 Warlords, 4 Warhound, 2 thingie in between, 12 Knights + the terrain and objectives). 30 ish models
- Get that damn Perry's miniature travelling wargame kit PAINTED and flocked and ready to play! That was an objective of last year's Hobbycation that sadly was not completed. to be honnest the only one that is not completed yet. 50 ish models

Man that is a LOT. And I haven't even talked about Napoleonic or Bolt action. Damn...

So that is 8 different game systems... and at least 247 or so models. ok I'm doomed. that is nearly a model a day (keeps the shrink away?)

I think another Hobbycation will be required this year again. Maybe 2 weeks....


- Terrain? Daaaamn
- Blood ball?
- 10 mm Cold war Gaming from PSC? Hell wouldn't it be cool to have a scale more appropriate to cold war than 15mm. or go full 6mm? That is VERY Tempting
- Blood Red Sky: Pacific Theater? If yes how many? Double check that Facebook thingie. I would say roughtly 1.5 squadron of Wildcats and Zeros and 0.5 squadron to 1 squadron of Kate

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