mardi 29 décembre 2015

Wip of the End of the year

Here is my last post for 2015.

The US army has advanced a tad not as much as I wanted, but the airbrush and compressor I ordered are on the fritz.... an article will follow on that.

And some reenforcement for the FOW Germans

 The Russians are comming for Team Yankee!


lundi 14 décembre 2015

Wip of the moment

Team Yankee anyone?

That little army allready got around 10 games in. They did well and now needs to be painted.

Pz Kompanie and Stug Kompanie HQ!

Hey there,

long time I haven't posted anything but here we are.

my 2 PZIVH for the HQ of the Panzer Kompanie and the Stug for the Stug Kompanie HQ:

 Color Guide and steps

undercoat un dunkelgelb

green lines
    stipple 50/50 mix of dry brushed  middlestone 882 + reflective green 890
    stipple dry brushed of reflective green 890

brown lines
    stipple 50/50 mix of dry brushed  middlestone 882 + chocolate brown 872
    stipple dry brushed of chocolate brown 872

german grey for track and metal

black for the wheels rubber

for the wood
    Chocolate brown 872
    flat earth 983 highlights

    german grey
    cavalry brown stypling
    1:1 Cavalry brown + light brown stypling
    german grey stypling


Global brown wash

    50/50 brown shade water

gloss varnish


gloss varnish

wash  of    for zimerite

3 parts of water
2 parts of brown shade
1 part of black shade

Pin wash

1 part water
1 part black shade on hatches and details to pop out

mat varnish

    overall dry brush dunkelgelb

sponge german grey all over

Dark Metal where metal shall be

mat varnish

natural iron oxide (black soot pigment) on exhaust and air intake and gun barrel

Natural sienna for the track and lower 50% of the vehicule

mat varnish

Stug Crew

German camo dark green 979

German Fielgray 830 (leaving some of the shadow showing in the recesses)

Highlight German Fieldgrey and green grey

Tank Crew

black base

german grey highlights

german grey + white for ending highlights

skin in Beige Brown

Flat Flesh 955
highlight wiht Flat flesh + white

lundi 9 novembre 2015

Il est là le Land Raider des curés !

On l'avait déjà vu au FWD, le revoici en décor extérieur avec traitement des décalco et pigments fait !

dimanche 1 novembre 2015

FWD pictures links

Here is the main page of course:

Good mood pictures:

and the less officials:

After the WIP.... the goodies all done!

And here it is!

After working 3 months as much as I could on them.

Here is the army I took to the French Waaagh Day XXX in Lenton!

An overview of the whole army:

The mighty Vindicator: 

The boss and his crew with his taxi in the background:

This time the said taxi being a bit showed off:

The  drop pod and its team:

 Just a nice shot:

lundi 14 septembre 2015

Space Wolves WIP

Just cause I had to upload some WIP pictures.

I ain't happy about how the photos show them, but well it-s better than nothing.

Notes for tanks:

/ chipping : sponge with Runelord brass, sponge ireonbreaker, sponge dryad bark

dimanche 30 août 2015

Cheap army carry option (to test)

Here it is!

Still got to test it though

mardi 23 juin 2015


Entre ces 4 coffres, lequel est celui que le nain va ouvrir ?

dimanche 24 mai 2015

Here comes the yanks!

I'm a bit late on their painting, but the wargamer's worse ennemies came in several times! (work and social life I believe they are called). Painted following this guide.

So here are 12 shermans for about 800 pts of flames of war :) Now I got the 4 main nations in 800 pts format (Soviet, German, British and Americans).

dimanche 3 mai 2015

samedi 18 avril 2015

Nouvel objectif Macro

Maintenant que je peux faire de belle photo... j'ai plus qu'à faire de belle figurine :D C'est pas gagné :p

A tout bientôt ;)

lundi 30 mars 2015

Terrain de golf pour marines

Mouais... on vient bien que j'ai manqué de flocage sur la fin et que j'ai du faire raccord avec ce que j'avais sous la main. Tant pis ! De toutes façons avec le temps le flocage tombera et on ne verra plus l'herbe !

vendredi 27 mars 2015

 Quelques petites photos qui trainaient sur mon disque :)

samedi 14 mars 2015

So Hello Miss American Pie

Black primer spray

White spray as pre highlights

US tank spray from plastic soldier company

Black wash

heavy drybrush of Vallejo Brown Violet 887

light dry brush of Vallejo Brown Violet 887 + Vallejo Green Grey 886 50/50

tracks in german grey 995

Crates: Vallejo Flat earth  983 then highlights in Khaki 988 and brown shade

bags: green grey 886 then highlight green grey 886+ white 50/50 then brown shade

Tanker vests: Khaki 988 highlights  Khaki 988 + white 50/50then brown shade

Leather straps: chocolate brown 872 then brown shade

canvas: german cam beige 821 then highlight german cam beige 821 + white 50/50 then brown shade

camo net : russian uniform base, high light strips in khaki and diluted brown shade

dimanche 22 février 2015

Belated family picture!

Having finished my 1000 points of orks with those miniatures.

I thought it was time for a nice familly picture.

And I am way over due to it but here it is:

May I count that as the January achievement considering the last 2 nobs were painted by the end of January? :P

see you for the 1500 points family picture or the 1000 points full infantry.

Challange's result Za Stalline!

And here it is!

In 3 weeks from boxed and not assembled to painted and weathered!

I must admit that the cleaning and putting together did take a week on its own. and the last week was less intense due to resuming work.

I could have done it in two weeks if I did not have the gaming weekend with the friends and then went away a few days too.

However, if prior to my holidays I would have assembled them. I could have done those 21 tanks in a week O_O

mardi 10 février 2015