G'day to you all!
So here is the start of my 2 weeks holidays and here is the challenge...
Yes 21 T34! The goal is to finish them all in less than 2 weeks and that will give me a nice 800 points of Late war Soviet Tankovy.
Here is how they will be painted.
black undercoat
white highlights
russian green army painted base coat
dray brush highlights in luftwaffe camo green
German grey on tracks and metal on tools
Gloss varnish where the decals will be applied
Apply the Decals
Apply gloss varnish over the decals
Paint de details :
- tools handle in 872 chocolate brown + highlights flat earth 983
- Bags : khaki 988 then brown ink then khaki highlights
- canvas : grey khaki 880 then brown ink then grey khaki highlights
- rope Karak stone + brown shade watered down slightly
- unbogging log 2 parts 870 Medium sea grey 1 part Khaki Grey
Pale sand 837 on pole tips
then mix one part of each gloss varnish brown shade and black shade.
Cavalry brown on exausts
Spunge dabbing with german grey to chip the paint.
Matt Varnish
Black smoke pigment on the exaust
Black smoke pigment on the end of the gun barrel
European dust pigment on tracks and were dust goes
Matt Varnish
Pencil where metal shows (tracks and chips)
Tutorial created from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nh8sj303yM4 and advices the red Bear army book.
That is the basic idea, I might change it when I first try it fully on one set of vehicules.
Anyway stay tuned for the updates!
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