dimanche 6 novembre 2016

The red tide arrives.... and next WIP

 So here we are!

All the ruskies are done for now
The two hinds freshly done, I must say I love those huge beast:

and a family photo:

So many tanks ^-^

bad news is that I want 3 companies of the tanks and I'll need between 6 and 12 hinds. Oh well....

And here is a sneak peak of what's coming next... yes the Green Tide comes back! and  get some air power too:


Team Yankee Crocodile Yellow base (airbrush but it was a bitch)

Vallejo Model Air 71.137 Light US green  for camo
816 Luftwaffe Uniform   for glasses

Hind blue 402 for under belly

AK4134 Green Khaki for missil pods and rocket tubes

Bolt Gun Metal for rocket pods front + nuln oil wash

gloss varnish

Flames of war brown shade pin wash


gloss varnish

matt varnish

Deep yellow 915 Vallejo for end of rotors

Des news de Genève

Pour commencer, l'unité des blind'boyz est finie, avec remplacement du nob' au passage.

On s'équipe de supports à gurines. Merci Z1design pour ce fichier STL efficace.

La piscine a trempette pour surligner, ça marche !
Je vais également tester sur des boyz ce que ça donne après peinture.

mardi 18 octobre 2016

Mikhail's tin can

From Russia with Love

Base coat AK4134 Green Khaki  (airbrush)

gloss varnish

Black wash

AK4134 Green Khaki (drybrush)

75 % AK4134 Green Khaki   25 % Vallejo Iraqui Sand 819 (drybrush)

local gloss varnish (paintbrush)


gloss varnish  (paintbrush)

Matt Varnish

Gun mantelet  + barrel holders  in Green Brown 879
        50/50 Brown/water wash

Rubber side Skirts : Black Grey 862

            Black Grey 862  +  Iraqui Sand 819     75/25    (drybrush)

Black wash in the slides between the plates


    base Vallejo US Drab 873

    Bolt Gun Metal Dry Brush

    Black Wash

        German Grey base

    Bolt Gun Metal Dry Brush

Battle Damage Sponge german grey + dots in metal (Bolt gun Metal) and rusted metal (Runelord Brass or Warplock Bronze)


Matt Varnish

mardi 20 septembre 2016

Quick! Before ze germans arrive.....

You said those sausages would be ready in 5 minutes 10 minutes ago!

Anyway here are the germans!

So first basic army fully painted for Team Yankee. My yanks are raging considering I had them before the official release (thanks to the Beast of war boot camp).

it took longer than expected because I had a varnish incident on the helicopters which ended up meaning repainting them from zilch.... not happy with GW "purity seal" also known as "layer of crap"

The familly photo

Mr Muller in his tank:

Aren't those Bumble bee cute?

Cause it's all about the tanks, about the tanks.....


Black undercoat (spray)
white pre highlight (spray)

base coat  Mig Jimenez A.MIG-084 airbrush

Black camo  Mig Jimenez A.MIG-046 airbrush

Brown camo  Mig Jimenez A.MIG-085 airbrush

Tracks   base vallejo  German Medium Camo Brown  826 + dash of Iraqui Sand 819     10/2

    track bits 862 Black Grey

Dry brush 819 Iraqi Sand over all to define model details

887 Brown Violet  for MG ammo box + flexible sleeve behind gun mantlet

862 Black Grey for smoke launchers

GW Leadbleacher + nuln oil for metal parts

for the wood
    Chocolate brown 872
    flat earth 983 highlights

Gloss varnish


Gloss Varnish

pin wash in Nuln Oil

Matt Varnish

Tank Crew:


Grenadier Green

nuln oil

Grenadier Green

Grenadier Green + 1/4 of  884 Stone Grey

Beret + headset:

Abadon black

highlight in  862 Black Grey

final highlights in  995 German grey

touch of Leadblech metal for the insigna


skin in Beige Brown

Flat Flesh 955
highlight wiht Flat flesh + white


Black undercoat (spray)
white pre highlight (spray)

base coat  Mig Jimenez A.MIG-084 airbrush

Black camo  Mig Jimenez A.MIG-046 airbrush

Gloss Varnish


Gloss Varnish

GW Nuln oil for cannopy lines spot wash

887 Brown Violet  for TOW pads + GW ushabi bone lines

816 Luftwaffe Uniform   for glasses

GW Leadbleacher + nuln oil for metal parts

Matt Varnish

lundi 19 septembre 2016

It's all about motivation

So we all got big projets, we all got many things going on in our lives....

However we love our hobby, so here are a few videos about motivation!



And here is a little video about how music can help


And here is a woman's view on this ;)


lundi 22 août 2016

Est-ce qu'un iphone peut prendre des photos de gurine en action correctes ?

A vous de juger...
L'obectif étant de pouvoir photographier les figurines même à l'intérieur d'une pièce à son échelle, la chose n'est donc pas possible avec un vrai APN qui ne rentrerait pas dans l'espace.
J'ai disposé d'un objectif SBS 3 en 1 pour pousser les tests.

Tout d'abord une photo en mode par défaut.

Nous continuons avec un mode flash activé. Pas de surprise, il faut avoir une source de lumière bien placée et éviter de cuire les photos a bout portant avec ça.

Ensuite, avec l'objectif fish eye... Euh... Non, clairement, pour des photos de figurine, ça ne le fait pas.

Le Grand Angle. On note malheureusement une déformation comparable au fish eye. Par contre, dans ces espaces exigu, cela permet de prendre du recul par rapport à la scène. Et ça, ça peut rendre service !

La macro. Ça aussi, ça peut rendre service. Il faut toutefois
1) avoir une figurine qui souffre pas d'être vue de très près, et ça c'est pas gagné.
2) pouvoir s'approcher suffisamment de la figurine avec l'appareil.

La vue lointaine. Bon, celle là, ça passe bien, à condition d'avoir un arrière plan correct derrière la surface de jeu. Genre pas ça.

mardi 2 août 2016

Busy Weekend part II

I worked quite hard last weekend on my West Germans, they are not as finished as I hopped but here are some pictures!

The decals on the Helicopters were a paint to apply, it took me as long to apply 12 decals on 2 helicopters than it took me to apply 35 decals on 5 tanks! It seems Battle front are not printing them but they are sub contracting to a company called Fantasy Printshop. I hope I had bad luck with this batch and that their quality is usually higher.

dimanche 24 juillet 2016

Bit of a busy weekend

Well well I kept myself busy this weekend.

So here are the West Germans 4 days after receiving them!

Put together, under coated and pre highlighted save for the two cute bumble bee choppers.

Oh and the second batch of Russians T72s met with the airbrush:

vendredi 22 juillet 2016

The first Ruskies are here... the west germans are sighted

Finally finished the first team yankee tanks!

And here are the baddies (everyone needs targets for target practice)

Sorry for the quick picture but better something that bugger all.

And here is what I did get in my mail yesterday!

dimanche 10 juillet 2016

July's WIP

Hello World!

I know I have not posted anything for quite a long time.

I may have dispersed myself on too many projects and work became a bit too invading once again...

Anyway here are the current WIPs!

Got around to do my first try at MERDC:

Who said you can't enjoy the nice weather with Wargaming? Take your aibrush set on the terrasse and enjoy


Did build some 15 mm Panzer IVs and the first comet for the brits, pictures to come later .

lundi 4 avril 2016

Gerry got more tanks! and picture of a game just one

And here they are, more PZ IV H for Flames of war.

So now I officially got a minimal PZ IVH company! I feel like tackling down the 3rd platoon.....

And here is a picture of the initiation game I did with Jiga:

dimanche 14 février 2016

This weekend it was.... AIRBRUSH TIME!

Hello everyone,

a little upddate after weeks of issues with the compressor.... I was able to finally use the airbrush!

Jiga.... yes that is a glove in your face:

And those are the next addons to my 15mm  Panzer Kompany:

lundi 18 janvier 2016

Tigers and cobras !

Hello everyone,

here are the first painted miniatures of the year, a couple of 15 mm tigers for FOW:

And here is the big brother:

I also worked on the Beast of War's Team yankee bootcamp veterans:

I wanted to get on the Abrams and M113 as quickly as possible but sadly the local gaming store is having issues in providing model air paints.... The cobras were base coated with the basic Vallejo Viollet Brown that was diluted with vallejo airbrush thinner. It was my first try of the compressor and airbrushes I got a month or so ago and it did take me about 1 hour 20 minutes. But the paint was a major issue. Still it's a new tool and it was interesting to try.

vendredi 1 janvier 2016