dimanche 22 février 2015

Belated family picture!

Having finished my 1000 points of orks with those miniatures.

I thought it was time for a nice familly picture.

And I am way over due to it but here it is:

May I count that as the January achievement considering the last 2 nobs were painted by the end of January? :P

see you for the 1500 points family picture or the 1000 points full infantry.

Challange's result Za Stalline!

And here it is!

In 3 weeks from boxed and not assembled to painted and weathered!

I must admit that the cleaning and putting together did take a week on its own. and the last week was less intense due to resuming work.

I could have done it in two weeks if I did not have the gaming weekend with the friends and then went away a few days too.

However, if prior to my holidays I would have assembled them. I could have done those 21 tanks in a week O_O

mardi 10 février 2015

lundi 9 février 2015

Petit weekend anti rouille 40k entre pote

Un grand merci au Jiga, au Nain au Steph et au Pounkh d'être passé ce weekend pour une petite remise en forme et innitiation a la V7 de 40K (oui mieux vaut tard que jamais).

Je sais que certains ont des photos des bastons! Allez soyez pas timide poster donc